So, it is available here at Smashwords and here on Amazon
I was even more thrilled to have the tale accepted into RBE's Roar of the Crowd anthology, but that died the slow death with some misphaps and the tale was returned. So I have edited it, added in a couple other short tales starring Tyr (the main character) that have been published elsewhere and got the wonderful Carter Reid (Space Eldritch 1 and 2 covers, his ow Zombie Nation comic along with a slew of others for some great spec fic authors) to do a a cover for me.
My description:
"From the wrath of the Northmen, O Lord deliver us." -- Old French Prayer
Warships of the Fourth Crusade surround Constantinople threatening murder, rapine and worse.
The only option left the impotent Emperor to avoid the sacking of the great city, is to secretly give away a sacred relic.
Enter Tyr, a red-handed Swedish mercenary and Wolfram von Eschenbach, the Templar poet, together charged with retrieving the holy artifact and escaping the city.
What they don't know is that arcane forces, old as myth, are marshalled against their mission. The old gods of multiple nations war with the New.
And Ragnarok is coming to Greece.
Plus two more short sword and sorcery tales of Tyr: Hel Awaits and Sailing to Valhalla
What the critics are saying about David J. West's writing!
"Brutal, gory and depressing," - Jennie Hansen, Meridian Magazine
"I was afraid to read this book." - Marissa Walker, Timpanogos Times
"And he just keeps getting better," - Keith West, Amazing Stories
"One of the most well-written fight scenes I've ever had the opportunity to read." - Darkeva, Hellnotes