My tales may be familiar to my regular blog followers, -
Fangs of the Dragon: Blessed by a holy man, Porter Rockwell was promised that if he never cut his hair he would not be harmed by bullet nor blade . . .
But what if monsters strike with tooth and claw? This might be Port's last ride . . .
Or will he send them crawling back to the abyss? Either way it's gonna be a helluva fight!
But what if monsters strike with tooth and claw? This might be Port's last ride . . .
Or will he send them crawling back to the abyss? Either way it's gonna be a helluva fight!
The Serpents Root: A quest for a dangerous item to cure the sick may not be as simple a delivery as a thief expects. Love can be a killer.
The Dig: An archaeologist struggles with the semantics of who is the real grave robber with a rogue Italian captain in WW2 when they find something buried that should not be.
The King in the Wood: Music and mythology merge as a young woman buys a strange instrument in a curiosity shop and things will never be the same.
Jason King - fantasy author extraordinaire who recently released book 2 in his Age of the Infinite series.
Drew Briney - lawyer and all around nice guy, with a some great fantasy tales.
Jaime Buckley, acclaimed comic artist with some of his tale spinning.
and newcomer Lewis Strassburg with a great fantasy tale of revenge and giant worms.
Catch it while its hot and free here
P.S. should have had you wait a day Paul! I owe you!