Thursday, May 14, 2009

Get Busy Child

I once heard round about, that a friend of mine was complaining that he didn't like his wife listening to the Crystal Method's "Get Busy Child" because it was such a Dave song. In essence that it was just too ME; and for some reason that bothered him.

It's all good. They're divorced now but I'm still friends with both, so I don't think the thumping bass-line of "Get Busy Child" had anything to do with it. Just kind of funny now, I can't hear that song, that I really liked without associating it with them. (And Kevvy doesn't even like it) I sure never used to associate it with them. But it came up on the que yesterday and brought me back.

It also got me thinking that I have been slacking too much on my other book "Bless the Child" and I need to finish another set of rewrites and get it out to my advance readers, so that it too can join its brothers in the publishing world. I have been assigned an editor and we begin in earnest upon "Heroes of the Fallen" next week. Gotta Get Busy Child.

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