I went to the UVU Book Academy writers conference last Thursday. And I will tell you just a little bit about it. We, my friend Frank Holdaway (winner of the 2009 mystery/suspense category at LDStorymakers) and I parked some quarter mile away from the venue the Sorenson building and began the hike. Along the way, a woman accosted us, she said I looked familiar, (good I am working on my brand) that's because I won the general fiction category at the 2009 LDStorymakers conference. And I thought she looked familiar, I thought she looked like Stephanie Black but younger, Rob Wells had permanently skewed my perception of her age. She, Stephanie Black (Methods of Madness, the Believer) was a little lost but we guided her toward the venue all the while discussing her presentation on villains. Reaching the front doors Heather Moore waved us in, because Frank and Stephanie were still somewhat mixed up on directions.
Once inside and getting our paraphernalia, Karlene Browning (Rose Haven publications and of Provident Book fame) said hello. Glad you're feeling a little better. I kept wondering if Daron Fraley (Thorn the Chronicles of Gan) was going to be there, and too bad Mary Gray (The Ethos) and Tamara Hart Heiner (Branca) couldn't make it. Did Karen Jones Gowen (Uncut Diamonds) make it? I didn't think so.
Frank and I found a seat close to the front for keynote speaker Brandon Sanderson (Warbreaker, Mistborn) he discussed 10 things he had to learn before he got published. Afterwards I approached him and gave him an ARC of my book Heroes of the Fallen. He said he would read it for a back cover quote but that it would take six months. Ok, I'll use it for book 2 Blood Of Our Fathers. Going from there I wasn't 100% on which presentation I wanted to go to next so I went to Heather Moore's (Alma, Abinadi) once there we were joined by Heather Justesen(The Balls in Her Court) and had an interesting time discussing different aspects of writing and marketing.
There was then a book signing break-but I didn't bother. I then went to Kelly Smurthwaites presentation on marketing tips. Said hi to Karen Hoover (The Sapphire Flute). Then it was time for lunch. Procuring the sandwiches I noticed across the table from me Ali Cross and Elana Johnson but I didn't want to interrupt their sandwich making. After lunch was the publishers panel, which I still don't know why there wasn't some people I know present at. I am having a hard time at not mocking some peoples ridiculous questions, like asking these relatively small publishers how to get an agent??? So I am gonna leave off on that. Once done, I spoke with Chris Bigelow (Zarahemla Books, Kindred Spirits) and we talked about how my book I first submitted him was now being published by WiDO and I was curious if he had done any more work on his speculative apocalyptic novel Master Mahan's Revenge. Nope he hadn't.
Up to Robison Well's (Counterfeit, On Second Thought) presentation on Humor in writing. I sat next to his brother Dan Well's (I Am not A Serial Killer) and once the presentation was over I sat and talked with them for perhaps 10 minutes about their books and mine. I was pleased that Dan thought Heroes sounded like Bernard Cornwell (The Saxon Tales) because those are awesome. There was another book signing but I didn't have any of my wife's Anita Stansfields to get signed for her so I left it at that. Frank had James Dashner to sign one of his 13th Reality books.
The final speaker was Maria Covey Cole and I admit that I was saying why don't we bail out of here early but Frank noticed Stephen R. Covey (7 Habits) and said we ought to stick around. There was a raffle for books but we didn't win any. Maria spoke and then her father Stephen got up and spoke it was pretty interesting but then I have never heard him speak before - I'm probably some kind of Utah pariah because of that. When it was all done I went to leave but said bye to Nichole Giles (Sharp Edge of the Knife) and then Tristi Pinkston (Agent in Old Lace) approached me and said she had heard good stuff about my writing from Heather Moore that was surprising, its nice to hear compliments from unexpected sources.
So that was the conference in a nutshell and that's how you name drop like a Cad.