Just felt the need to pimp myself a bit more and remind all of you who only drop by to look at the humorous pictures that I have a book about to be released
Heroes of the Fallen, and a signing forthwith to be held this Friday the 16th at the Borders in Murray, right off State street and I-215, from the hours of 6 to 8, and then yet again at the Borders in Provo, in the Riverwoods, Saturday the 17th from 4 to 6. And yes it is an awesome groundbreaking book and you want one but don't take my word for it here's a sampling of a few people that gave me some back cover quotes. Now if only that Sanderson fellow would hurry up and get me one too.
"David West’s debut novel, Heroes of the Fallen, will transport you into an epic tale comprised of the haunting historical events that eventually lead to the downfall of an entire civilization. Written with captivating characters and vivid descriptions of a grand culture, the powerful setting and poetic language make this

novel a monumental retelling of the Nephites’ final years of existence." —H.B. Moore, author of
Alma"The world of this novel is so specifically realized that you could drop me into any corner of it today and I would know just where I am and how I should act and to whom the natives are apt to pray."-Th., author of
The FOB Bible"Heroes of the Fallen is a Book of Mormon historical that reads like an epic fantasy. It's not often that the LDS market sees something truly new, but West's debut novel really is different. It was a breath of fresh air--and a lot of fun. I read just about every book that comes out of every LDS publisher, and this one feels new. So many Book of Mormon novels get really bogged down in either hyperspiritualism or hyperrealism, and they neglect the one important element: telling a great story. I was impressed." – Robison Wells, author of
On Second Thought, Wake Me When Its Over, Counterfeit "A must read...real and exciting." – Bruce H. Porter Ph.D. Brigham Young University

religion professor, former Church Educational System institute director
"It's a great read,"-Wayne N. May, author of "
This Land" series, currently a 4 volume set, publisher of "
Ancient American Magazine"
and here are a couple links to some more positivity.
Daron Fraley author of
The Thorn gave me 5 stars on Goodreads and his
Morgan Deane gave me a shout out on his great blog
Warfare and the Book of Mormon.
Thanks all and here's to loads more.