I'm pumped for this one the Fan Xperience - the spring version of Salt Lake Comic Con! I'm on five panels (as of yesterday) it was still 3 on Monday.
Here is the schedule.
My first panel at 1:00 pm today is a writing track on Pantsing vs Plotting.
I've always been a pantsing guy, but recently I have worked with outlines a bit more and I would have to admit it has made me faster.
At 5:00 pm today, I'll be a part of the Choose Your Own Apocalypse, audience participation game. Supernatural edition. I may be a t a loss here since I've never watched the show, but I did school myself on it a bit last night.
Friday, I have another writers track at 10:00 am on How we (or you) get published - again it will be with writer friends of mine and I think I have some interesting bits to add to the discussion so it will
be fun.
Saturday will be my favorite panels. At Noon, I'll be on a All Things Tolkien panel and then the last panel of the night at 8:00 pm is the Lovecraft: Not Meant to Voyage Far panel.
I've also got a booth with friends (the Space Balrogs) and I think its gotta be in the most prime con real estate we've ever had. Right in the center beside a main thoroughfare = Green 16.
I'll post some pics to Twitter, Facebook and such but will do a recap blog post soon too.
Oh and I almost forgot, the latest issue #10 of Utah Geek will be release there too and I must say I think omy ongoing fantasy serial is just getting better with each issue - this time its "The Hammer of Witches"! and I love this cover! I forget who the artist is, but I was told its the Guest of Honor artist at World Horror Con that I'll be at the end of next month.
Savage Sword of Conan is Back
18 hours ago
Utah geek! Wow, what a name.
Sounds like a great event. Wish I could be there. Just make sure no one takes their pants off during the pantsing panel.
Charles, it's my pulp magazine credit = old school print in thousands of hands statewide!
Now if all those readers would just buy my books...
Keith, I'll see what I can do.
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