Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Smells Like Victory

I'm much farther behind in what I hoped to accomplish this year, than I ever meant - (even if it seems I mention new stories every couple weeks)
in any case I am plugging along, though I am trying to prioritize and not bite off more than I can digest.
BLOOD OF OUR FATHERS is behind - I've been thinking it would be done for months now, and yet I keep feeling a little blocked on story elements that cannot be avoided (they have to be included, but in the right way) - my personal guess is for whatever reason - something needs to come into my life - and then into the book to make it just so - I just wish whatever that thing was it would come soon...very soon...its what I want for Christmas.

Self-doubt creeps up on artists of every type and field, I have been able to laugh off any of the more inane critiques, its the ones that you know are dead on that cause the "oh crap, I suck" moments and its back to the humble pie table for a big slice.

In any case we need to remember the success's of the past and to soldier through this and keep honing our craft and plotting the coming victory.


Anonymous said...

We do need to remember our successes because that keeps us going. Life is definitely ups and downs!
Ann Best, Long Journey Home

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm making small progress on a number of projects so it seems like I'm not getting anywhere. But eventually they will be done and that'll be a good moment. Maybe it's kind of the same for you right now.

Krista said...

Well said!

nephite blood spartan heart said...

Absolutely Ann.

Sounds like it is Charles.

Thanks Krista.

Berin Stephens said...

I just read a couple of script writing books called "Save the Cat!". They have given me several epiphanies that have helped me fix things I've been wrestling with in my stories.

nephite blood spartan heart said...

Interesting Berin, we can always find great stuff if we look.

Debra Erfert said...

Have you turned your writing talents to a short letter to Santa? If that's all you want for Christmas you need to let the big guy know. Now, I couldn't find a valid email address for the jolly ol' fellow, but you may have better luck. Or you could use one of those pen-thingies. Do you know where to get a stamp from? :)

nephite blood spartan heart said...

I can try Debra, I can try.

Nichole Giles said...

Yep, it happens to all of us. But I have faith that you'll power through those blocks. And I agree that it's best to not force it. Good luck with it.

nephite blood spartan heart said...

Thanks Nichole, taking it fairly slow and easy.

Paul R. McNamee said...

Oh, I'm way behind on all writing goals this year. (babies will do that ;) )

True, though, some of it was just the ol' "writer's block", too. As I mentioned, I've got a few unfinished tales myself that need some massaging or rearranging or something.

You have a complete novel under your belt. Not every one can say that. You can do it again.

nephite blood spartan heart said...

Thanks Paul, I appreciate it. I totally understand kids slowing things down.
We'll keep at it.