Savage Sword of Conan is Back
18 hours ago
David J. West writes dark fantasy and weird westerns because the voices in his head won’t quiet until someone else can hear them. He is a great fan of sword & sorcery, ghosts and lost ruins, so of course he lives in Utah with his wife and children.
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No problem. I liked the book a lot.
I've put the book on my WishList.
Do you or publisher have any plans for an eBook version?
Selfish question - I'm consolidating a lot of stuff around the house - the Kindle is helping that effort :)
Charles, thanks and I meant that as me being good enough to be YOUR peer.
Paul-they are planning on making it an e-book but it may be awhile. I asked them about it only yesterday.
Congrats on another good review, David. I placed my order for it yesterday from, so it should arrive later this month. I'll probably be ordering 'Bitter Steel' when I get the chance, too.
thanks Bruce, yeah as soon as I have any kind of scratch I need to get a few books from online friends-Bitter Steel, Marsh God, White Tiger etc
Thanks Angie
What a great review at Elder Signs Press. Very deep and intense. Mr. Gramlich didn’t give your book just a cursory perusal, hitting the highlights to garner enough information to write the review, but he had to have read the whole thing to understand as much as he did. Now, I can’t see how thick the book is from the front view, but I have a feeling it isn’t something I can shove in my purse. Am I right?
To be totally honest, David, I've had my nose pressed to my keyboard for so long, I haven't ventured beyond my safe little world of light-hearted LDS romances for quite a while. Those stories take about four hours to read, and are a quick diversion. But after reading Gramlich’s review, breaking away from my normal stories might be a good idea. He had some very flattering things to say about the way you turn a phrase.
My only fear is it’s the first book in a series, and I’m an impatient person. Truthfully? Sometimes I read the ending first. Shush! Don’t tell.
Hey Debra- it is the first in a series, the next one will be released april 2011 (you could get it next Storymakers) Heroes is 306 pages,(116,000 words) so not too terribly big. How big is your purse?
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