So refreshing to have a friends book that rocked your socks off and you don't have to pretend you liked it.
Que soft condescending voice, "Hey good job tiger, you'll do well."
Nope, she nails it.
Perilous is a YA thriller, and while not the usual thing I would pick up, this truly had me on the edge of my seat-I read the entire thing in 2 sittings (the later lasting the better part of an afternoon/evening) I had to know what happened next!
We begin with a murder and then a slight backtrack with the main characters, some teen girls in a smaller Idaho town, who witness something they shouldn't have. You might think you know where this is going but Heiner surprises us again and again with her twists throughout the book. SHE NEVER LETS UP. And it works. Mysteries are intensified, and just when you think you know what is going to happen, the conspiracy gets deeper and deeper.

I hate to giveaway too much when it comes to my book reviews, especially with a thriller that is so full of surprises, (I mostly like to talk about how they made me feel-cuz I'm a Cancer) but I will say, this is a novel that I think has near universal appeal. It will be in that narrow margin of books that both my wife and I read. (a very narrow margin) I don't like the cover at all, but my wife does. But that is my biggest criticism regarding Perilous-don't judge this book by its cover IMAO.
It is the first of a trilogy, but things wrap up pretty clean while still leaving us wondering about what comes next. A very satisfying and page turning read.
I turned in a back-cover blurb for Tamara awhile ago, whether it makes it on the book or not I have no idea, but here it is.
"Perilous, by Tamara Hart-Heiner is a pulse pounding thrill-ride with shocking revelations and enticing mysteries that you can’t get anywhere else -- short of being kidnapped and stolen half-way across a continent yourself. This is a story that will be passed around again and again with wicked anticipation, while we hunger for the next offering. Heiner delivers!"
The E-book is available now Here and the paperback pre-order link is here.
Tamara is also sponsoring a giveaway contest, this be the guidelines- Kindle giveaway: This contest is point-based and begins Oct. 15 and ends Dec. 15. Whoever has the most points wins the Kindle. There will only be one Kindle given away. Here are the points: 1 point: blog comment (can comment on all the blogs, multiple times, on the tour)1 point: follow my blog (http://tamarahartheiner.blogspot.com) 1 point: retweet 2 points: blog about the blog tour 5 points: purchase the book (ebook or paperback, must email me the confirmation email) if they actually buy the book in the store (which is unlikely), they can mail me a copy of the receipt. Have them add up all their points as well as their proof (links, etc) and email it to me at the end of the blog tour (tamara at tamarahartheiner dotcom)
Great review! Hooray Tamara! It sounds fabulous!
So what does the "A" in IMAO stand for? "Absolute"? "All-knowing"?
Thanks for the fantastic review, David!
Thanks Lydia.
Tamara-In MY Arrogant Opinion and you're welcome.
Cool. Definitely good luck to Tamara!
Glad to know you enjoyed the book. Great review.
I'm sure she appreciates that Charles.
I read the first page on Tamara's blog. Sounds like my kind of book.
Renae-it only gets better.
I don't know what page I'm on - I'm reading it on my husband's kindle and I'm 11% done :) It looks like I'm just getting into some of the twists.
Pamela-I have no idea where 11% would put you on a kindle since I got to read a copy printed out by Tamara herself-so the page numbvers on that won't even be the same as the printed book.
Loved your write-up--it definitely makes me want to pick up the book!
Its a good one Rachelle.
That looks really good! I'm also glad tamara asked about the a in imao I was guessing awesome. Anyway Thanks for the review I decided to follow her tour and gather as many facts as I can find spilled!
Nice review. I agree with the surprising twists and turns. Fun read!
Thanks Hilary and Christy for dropping by, glad you liked it.
Great review. This sounds like an awesome book. Can't wait to check it out.
Continued blessings on all of your endeavors
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