I went to the LDStorymakers Writers conference over the weekend. Had a pretty good time hanging with a number of author friends (too many to list so I won't even try)
When it came to presentations, I stuck to the more advanced ones generally and I did get some great tips/advice/what-have-you. Branding = Perception, I ponder that in relation to being a pro-author and that dreadful place where art must meet marketing. That and it sure didn't hurt talking with a few agents and getting their feedback. Good thing I volunteered to be a time-keeper with pitch sessions. I ended up getting more 1-on-1 time with them than if I had actually had a pitch session.
So I've begun work on the next project after Blood of Our Fathers & Midnight Son's (more on that thus far unmentioned one later)
I like to make soundtracks for my writing projects~here is a quick sampling of the "score" for the next one. (With which I had a modicum of success pitching over the weekend~boo yea!)
Of course I expect this will only make sense to me, anachronistic as it may seem for a medieval/renaissance-level fantasy setting but it is what it is~sets a mood~there ya go.
Savage Sword of Conan is Back
18 hours ago
It was good to see you. Cool that you got some one on one time with the agents! Branding=perception. Thanks for that. I left that particular class feeling like my head had exploded and I didn't understand any of it. That sums it up well, though.
Really Angie? That was the "1" class that really moved me and said I had better get in gear.
I pretty much loved all my classes, including the Branding=Perception. I totally understood it, but actually putting what I learned into action is a completely different subject.
Debra-yeah I fell I've been a bit scattershot and am still pondering what and how I need to go about creatinga stronger brand myself~heck even Robison told me he felt like a hypocrite about it.
Sounds like a good time, David. If those agents are smart, they'll remember you.
Thanks Dan, I think I made a particularly good impression with one.
Hi David! I so missed out by not going to the conference. I'll need to make it a point to go next year. Ohum....
YA Paranormal Romance Darkspell coming fall of 2011!
Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
Hey Elizabeth-yes, you did miss out this year.
Hope to see you next time.
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