It's Time.
The RAM has touched the wall and Heroes of the Fallen is going to print and I will have it in 4-6 weeks and hopefully so will you. That's a bit later than I had hoped but whad'ya do.
After many long battles, pitfalls and ambushes, the book is coming and I can sit back on my laurels, let everyone read it, shower me with praise and do walk-on's for other peoples books right? (inside joke)No, you have to keep the momentum as Steven Pressfield says. Work on book 2 Blood of our Fathers has begun, as well as some other projects. It may be a ridiculous goal but I actually plan to have between 3-5 books submitted this year. Good thing 2 of them are already almost done.
Savage Sword of Conan is Back
18 hours ago
yay! so exciting!!! I can hardly wait! When do they expect you to have book 2 to them?
Talk about ambitious! Good for you David! And congrats on things finally coming together for the printing. Will you have copies in the Storymakers bookstore do you think?
I cannot wait!
Congratulations! It must be a fabulous feeling!
When will your trailer be out?
Wow, 5 books submitted in one year? You impress me, David!
Yahoo! Good news for you. I'm so excited for your book to finally be printed.
And 5 books. Wow. That's a big goal. Good luck with it! I'm going to be thrilled if I come up with two finished manuscripts. And I have two currently about half-way there.
Tamara-book 2 is technically done, but on account of rewrites etc, I am going over it again before turning it over to Kristine. I should be giving it to her rather soon.
Kim-I should have copies at Storymakers for sure.
Amalia-It is surreal.
Erin/John-I want to release it about 2 weeks prior to the book release, if I do it too soon I'm afraid of people forgetting its coming. I want it fresh in their minds.
Elizabeth-Well I am counting book 2 in the series and I have another book that is almost done, and I have promising starts to three more.
Thanks Nichole-not counting the 2 almost done. One project is already at 15 thousand words, the next is about 10 thousand words and a third is only two thousand-so we just have to see.
I'm getting excited to read this! But wow, submitting five books in one year and they're not all written yet? *faints*
Great news! I'm going to interview you before the release!
Haha, and over at my blog I've been whining about not finishing stuff lol! You're an inspiration! If you finish those 5 books this year, you'll be a super hero. P.S. I saw the dummy of Heroes. It looks incredible with that cover, and all your blurbs on the back. You did a fantastic job of getting advance praise. You rock!
Melanie-well 2 are very very close and I feel the other 3 have promising begining but yes it will depend on how edits go with the first 2, so we'll see.
Krista-I appreciate that. I'll have to send you a copy.
Karen-Thanks, who knows I may only get 3 submitted but 5 is the big goal-and thats not even counting all the short stories I have going on.
Wow! That is a crazy and fantastic goal! Nice, David and congratulations. That is so exciting!
Wow! That's great news. What an ambitious schedule. And I thought two books a year was truckin'. :)
Kathi-I have yet to see if I can actually pull it off-but I am trying to be overly positive.
If I can keep the momentum thats been going thus far I should be able to sub at least 4.
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